Five Online Learning Tips for Schooling at Home
There are some major differences between being in class in person versus online. One major one is the assumed responsibility students have to do the assigned work when at home in front of their own computers. As an instructor, you may want to give your students some guidance for making the most of online learning.Read More
Order of Operations: Solving for Variables
There are priorities when using the order of operations for simplifying a system. After simplifying, reversing that order is how we suggest solving for variables. //For insight into the priorities, read: Order of Operations: Prioritize the Acronym. Reverse The Order Of Operations This means, one of the first questions to ask is, do scholars needRead More
Variables: A Brief Explanation
We make a point that variables can change. Variables may represent various values. So, we describe them as “change-ables.” On another level, we explain them as “change-ables” because variables may be exchanged for a value instead of a letter representation. This is true even in the context of coding, and others. An Illustration You: “ManyRead More
Teach 2nd Graders Multiplication and Division
The California 3rd grade math standard suggests that scholars should be “developing understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100.” The California 2nd grade math standard says nothing about multiplication or division. Times tables have long been a major obstacle of unsuspecting scholars going into the third grade…but they doRead More

Order of Operations: Prioritize the Acronym
PEMDAS problems still? Let us first admit that we may need a different tool or method to explain the order of operations. In fact, many websites and teachers treat PEMDAS synonymously with the order of operations. Below, we make the case that prioritizing the parts of the acronym can help you be more accurate andRead More
Teachers: You Can Use Code To Teach
With many coding camps and sites popping up, we recognize an increasing desire to learn and teach coding. Our years of research reveal an increasing demand for coders. But, we also see the lack of educational equity that often denies even inner city students access to coding. You can do something about this. You canRead More
Fractions = Decimals = Ratios = Percentages
They describe parts of wholes. What are they? Well, fractions… decimals, ratios or percentages would be acceptable answers. Fractions give the same information as decimals, decimals can be written as ratios and ratios can be expressed as percentages. So consider: fraction = decimal = ratio = percentage Knowing that these are different forms of theRead More

Rethinking The Number Line
Rethinking The Number Line Turn into Turning that horizontal number lines vertical can let you use relevant reference points to understand how to use it Englishman John Wallis used the number line to help understand negative values of a variable. Your 3rd grader needs to solve for the expression -4-5 using a number line. Ironically,Read More