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Fractions = Decimals = Ratios = Percentages

Fractions = Decimals = Ratios = Percentages

They describe parts of wholes. What are they? Well, fractions… decimals, ratios or percentages would be acceptable answers.

Fractions give the same information as decimals, decimals can be written as ratios and ratios can be expressed as percentages. So consider:

fraction = decimal = ratio = percentage

Knowing that these are different forms of the same information, you can use one form to get to another. If fractions are your weakness, you can use the decimal form to confirm answers that demand fractions. You may have to use one form as a mediator between two other forms. Converting from a fraction to a percent usually requires a decimal form as a mediator. The task, then, is to convert one form to another.

How do you get one from the other? Here are some ways to convert between forms:

Fraction to Decimal

Numerator divided by denominator = Decimal form

Fraction to Ratio

“Numerator : denominator” = Ratio form

Decimal to Percent

Multiply decimal by 100% = Percent form

Decimal to Fraction

Place decimal as numerator over the place value of the last digit and simplify = Fraction form


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